CAHNR Brand Guidelines

The CAHNR brand identity is composed of the visible elements used to distinguish our brand and unify our various units. This includes things like wordmarks, College colors, preferred fonts, and photography.

CAHNR Wordmark

The University’s schools and colleges are the second tier in the UConn wordmark system. These wordmarks cannot be altered or replicated, but are available in a variety of layout and color options. Full sets of each established wordmark are available for download from our College and Departmental Wordmark page.


CAHNR wordmark

Departments and Units


Program/Special Usage

Physical Therapy Alumni logo

Color Palette

The CAHNR primary color palette includes: navy blue, white, and green as shown below. Refer to the Accessibility website for resources and information regarding accessible digital environment and acceptable color contrast guidelines.

Primary: UConn Navy

C:100 M:76 Y:12 K:70

Primary: White

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0

Primary: CAHNR Green

C:71 M:5 Y:91 K:0

Secondary: Gold

C:7 M:4 Y:86 K:1

Secondary: Grey

C:33 M:18 Y:13 K:40


To maintain integrity and cohesion of the University and College brands, the following typefaces are preferred for print projects. Fonts used by websites are generally set by the college's template that most sites already use. Outside of these fonts, simply utilize discretion when choosing fonts that complement the UConn CAHNR brand. Google Fonts is an excellent source for free, high-quality fonts.

Sans-Serif : Open Sans
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quam turpis, varius a viverra vel, euismod vel nibh. Maecenas auctor, neque sed imperdiet sollicitudin, velit nibh vestibulum dolor, at eleifend tellus sapien sit amet sapien.

Serif: Merriweather
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quam turpis, varius a viverra vel, euismod vel nibh. Maecenas auctor, neque sed imperdiet sollicitudin, velit nibh vestibulum dolor, at eleifend tellus sapien sit amet sapien.

Do not use:

UConn Extended. This font is only used for the UConn wordmark. No title, text or other usage is allowed.
Gotham. Safely, this font is only used for the UConn wordmark.

Please note that when used in cases other than the wordmark, the word UConn should simply be written as ‘UConn’ not ‘UCONN’. Likewise, the words UConn CAHNR should simply be written as ‘UConn CAHNR’ not ‘UCONN CAHNR’.


When selecting photography, consider utilizing high-definition shots that showcase our proud history and strengths as College. Some examples are below for your reference; these and other University photographs can be downloaded from the photo database.

CAHNR sign at the Rent
STEM classroom

Brand Messaging Platform

What is a brand messaging platform and why is it useful?
Simple: a brand messaging platform provides everyone in an organization with clear, consistent, and impactful proof points to highlight our strengths. If we all "speak the same language," we can drive home what makes the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources a leader in research, education, and extension outreach.

Members of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources can view the Brand Messaging Platform page.